Peer Review: Stress

Hi Learning Pod 4, your topic is quite interesting and attractive and what your have done is amazing as I read through your interactive learning resource draft. Overall, your design is very coherent. It helps learners to know what stress is and what we can do on it. I will give a few personal suggestions below. There are just something I think you can do better, but you can decide if you should take it! Thank you.


You split overview to two parts, welcome and objective. It is really smart, readers can easily know what you have done and what is your goal. The only thing I wonder is that what is your specifc target learners? As you say intermediate-aged children, are them middle school students or high-shcool, or both? Can people like me in University learn from your interactive learning resource?

Descriptions and Rationales

Constructivism is great to help learners gain knowledge of stress, but I would say cognitivists is also needed to help learners understand and feel what stress really is. It would be nice if you can use both of them.

Learning Design

No advise I can give, I think it is perfect.

Learning Context

It is really good. I can clearly know your context. Your interactive learning resource would also help me who is older than 14, XD.

Technology Choices

I am a little confused. On the first paragraph, it says your have decided to use ipad or laptop. However, on the second paragrapgh, it says you have decided to rely on paper and pencil. Do you mean to design resources using ipad/laptop and learn resources using pater&pencil? Sorry, I am a bit confused.

Learning Outcomes (Modules in the project)

Your design is very completed and fluent. For my suggestion, it would be better to introduce different types of stress in different units. For each type of stress, introduce what it is, how to recognize it, and how we can handle it. The reason is that each type of stress is different, so it make more senses to talk about them one by one.

Interactive Cctivity

Cool design, it will be really useful.

Assessment Plan

It would easier to understand if you put it into a chart and mark the percentage of each part.

Design for Inclusion

Looks good, I think there is no problem on design for inclusion.

Technology Choices

I see the only technology you choose is google slides. Would it be more helpful you we can discover more technology to explain stress?

At the end

When I read over your design, I treat myself as a learner, so I wish it would be helpful. Some of my opnion would be wrong, you can just skip them. Thank you again, for the learning source about stress.

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