Peer Review: Stress

Hi Learning Pod 4, your topic is quite interesting and attractive and what your have done is amazing as I read through your interactive learning resource draft. Overall, your design is very coherent. It helps learners to know what stress … Read More


My Interactive Learning Design subject area is python for beginners. I searched this topic on Youtube and I choose this video Learn Python – Full Course for Beginners [Tutorial] – YouTube. Prompts What kind of interaction would the video require … Read More

Inclusive Design

As we started to design learning activies, we realized how diffcult to everyone’s demand. Someone wants to learn something in a shrot time, someone wants to learn slow and steady. Somepne would like to have printed materials, someone wants everything … Read More

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a strategy that form learners into groups and aims together to improve their learning experience and understanding of a learning subject. Nowadays, most learning designs are based on cooperative learning, less or more. Communication and cooperation make … Read More

Eight-Queen problem

In my opinion, learning is a kind of instinct, and everyone has their own learning strategies even though they do not know any learning theories. Today, I will share a story about how I overcame a learning challenge and what … Read More


Hello everyone reading this, My name is Qiao Gao. I am from China, so Qiao is my born name. You can also kindly call me Tony. It’s the English name I give myself. It’s from Iron man, lol. I am … Read More