Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a strategy that form learners into groups and aims together to improve their learning experience and understanding of a learning subject. Nowadays, most learning designs are based on cooperative learning, less or more. Communication and cooperation make us to learn fast and understand concepts better.

From my leanring experience, there are mainly two type of cooperative learning.

1. Formal Cooperative Learning

The instroctor asks leaners to complete assignments or tasks together as groups. The learners have to form groups and clarify the distribution of task, which separing work to each one in the group. What we are doing on EDCI course is a cooperative learning. We work as groups to disngn topics, and go through each assignment together.

2. Informal Cooperative Learning

Informal cooperative learning happens everyday, everywhere. For example, I form a study group with my friend to talk study together. I discuss problems with my classmate before class. These all belong to cooperative learning. It also happens when we join some online communities to discuss and share our ideas.

3. Feedback-Based Cooperative Learning

Feedback-based cooperative learning means the learners do not directly work together, but they can view and give feedback to others. The aim of feedback-based cooperative is helping leaners to learn from others and get suggests from others. Peer review is a good example of feedback-based cooperative learning.

Cooperative Learning of Online Learning

Due to the technology development and Covid-9 effect. More and more people choose to learn onlone. It is quiet interesting to think about how to enhance and upgrade cooperative learning for online learning. For now, cooperative learning is based on online meeting, online ducument editing. Compare to real life cooperative learning, online cooperative learning has weaker performance, but I believe it can be improved in the furture.

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