
My Interactive Learning Design subject area is python for beginners. I searched this topic on Youtube and I choose this video Learn Python – Full Course for Beginners [Tutorial] – YouTube.


  1. What kind of interaction would the video require from your students? Does it force them to respond in some way (inherent)?

They would need to pay attention on the video. Pause or even go back on somewhere hard to understand. They also would need to write notes for important concepts. For coding execises, they need to set up programming environment and program together with the video.

2. What activity could you suggest that they do, after they have watched the video (designed)? What type of knowledge or skill would that activity help develop? What medium or technology would students use to do the activity?

I would suggest the learners to write notes to summarize what they learn from the video and practice programming example showed in the video. The summary can help them understand concepts of python programming and programming practice can truly improve their programming skills. There are few technologies I would suggest students to use: Jupyter notebook, Pycharm IDE, IDLE.

3. How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?

We designed two different activities for the students, quiz and project. For the quiz, we used technology quiz-maker. It helps us to publish quizzes that students can answer online. It will automatically give students feedback after they finish the quiz. For the final project, the students will need to send an email with their source code to us, so we can grade and give them feedback.

4. How much work for you would that activity cause? Would the work be both manageable and worthwhile? Could the activity be scaled for larger numbers of students?

This is a really good question. For the quizzed, it does not require us to do anything. And the amount of work will not bacome larger as the number of students increases. However, the final project askes us to grade and write feedback one by one. It would take a lot time of instructors. We would design a better strategy to solve this problem. We would design a project tester program. It can aoto run students’ code and compare the running results and correct results. Therefore, the only work instructors need to do is edit test sets and correct answers.
However, if we grade the projects using tester, we would not be able to view their code quality or check plagiarize.
It would be a good choice to ask learners to do peer review. Each learners can review other learner’s source code and make it based on the code quality.

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